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Drafting Defensible IEPs (2025 Dates) (XL).png

Erin D. Gilsbach, Esq.

2019 IEP Writing Workshop Flier (Back).j

Upcoming Sessions (Click the Date to Register):​

8:30 am - 3:30 pm each day
Lunch is Provided

$595 - 2-Day Session

Earlybird Rate:  $50 off per person if booked more than one month in advance.  Applied automatically.  No code required.

Discounted Group Rates Available:

3-5 attendees - $525 per person

6-9 attendees - $450 per person

10* or more attendees - $415 per person


(Must register at same time.  For discounted rates, use "Group Rate" options during registration process.)

*For groups of more than 10, please contact us prior to registration. 

All materials are included in cost of training. 


Registration for all workshops typically closes when the workshop is full or at end-of-business 2 business days prior to the event.  For information about last-minute registration after the online registration has closed for an event, please CONTACT US.

Space is limited at all locations.  Registration is on a first-come-first-served basis, and a fully-completed registration is required to reserve space at the training.  The attendance capacity varies by location.


A number of IUs have arranged for exclusive discounted rates for their member schools.  Schools should check with their local IU to see if any IU-specific discounts might apply. 


Note:  All discount codes must be applied at the time of registration. Discounts cannot be applied retroactively.  IU-specific discount codes must be obtained directly from each IU and are not available by contacting EdLaw Interactive.


IUs interested in hosting an IEP Writing Workshop session or offering member school discounted rates should CONTACT US.

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This intensive and interactive (and fun!)  2-day workshop is designed to provide a comprehensive look at common issues related to the IEP process and give participants the tools they need to draft truly effective IEPs.  In this seminar, we will cover the entire IEP process, including drafting, running IEP meetings, working with parents, and more!  The presenter, Erin D. Gilsbach, Esq., a nationally-recognized school law attorney and legal trainer, provides a detailed analysis of caselaw trends regarding IEP defensibility issues and what types of factors often spark special education litigation.   The workshop topics range from dealing with difficult parents, establishing an environment that encourages parental participation, writing legally-defensible IEP goals, analyzing and improving SDIs and Modifications; designing legally-defensible transition plans that are truly meaningful; and more.  


This training session is designed to be comprehensive and interactive.  Participants will receive workbooks that they will need to complete and will participate in a number of drafting and revision exercises.  This session is ideal for anyone wishing to obtain a better understanding of legal defensibility issues surrounding the IEP process and wanting to explore legally-defensible IEP process best practices and to practice legally-defensible IEP-writing skills.  


Attendance for both days of the session is recommended, since many of the legal-defensibility concepts build upon each other.  We recognize that it is not always possible to attend both days, though, so single-day attendance is available.  Full workbooks will be provided only to those registered for both days.  All single-day attendees will receive handouts for their day of attendance only.  The topics that will be covered each day are outlined, below:



  • THE PROCESS - This segment of the training covers potential liability issues and liability-prevention strategies related to the meeting itself.  Attorney Gilsbach addresses both practical issues and technical requirements in her in-depth discussion of the meeting set-up; meeting participants; leveling the linguistic playing field for parents at IEP team meetings; seeking (and getting!) great parent input; documenting the meeting and discussions; and following up afterwards.  


  • PLACEMENT DETERMINATIONS AND LRE - In this segment, Attorney Gilsbach discusses recent caselaw regarding placement determinations and LRE decisions and provides helpful tips regarding how to handle tough placement situations and issues. 


  • TRANSITION PLANNING - Whether planning for post-secondary school, employment opportunities, or independent living, transition planning is a key element of legally-defensible IEP-writing, and transition goals need to be both specific and measurable.  This segment helps participants understand what makes a legally-defensible transition goal and assists in helping teams develop individually-appropriate transition plans for all IDEA-eligible students.  


  • PRESENT LEVELS (AND WHY ITS SO IMPORTANT TO DRAFT THEM WELL!!) - Present levels of educational performance are the key to so many legal-defensibility issues,  but they are so often neglected, cut-and-paste regurgitations of evaluation reports and old IEPs.  In this segment, participants will understand the importance  learn the simple-but-essential art of making this section of the IEP really stand out with practical, useful information!  






  • LEGALLY-DEFENSIBLE GOAL-WRITING - Using the same concepts as in her popular "IEP Goal-Writing Workshop," Atty. Gilsbach focuses upon what legal fact-finders look at when evaluating the effectiveness or appropriateness of an IEP goal in this interactive, hands-on session.  She teaches a unique (and fun!) color-coded, formulaic approach to goal-writing that will help special educators feel more confident that the IEP goals that they draft contain all of the necessary elements to be effective and legally-defensible. This practical session is designed to teach participants how to master the art and science of writing goals that pass muster with the courts.  Atty. Gilsbach also emphasizes how special education administrators can use this highly-effective tool with their teams to quickly improve goal-writing skills district-wide.  This segment is accompanied by a hands-on practice session.


  • SPECIALLY-DESIGNED INSTRUCTION (SDI), MODIFICATIONS, AND ACCOMMODATIONS - Ever stop to really look at what's being included as SDI and accommodations/modifications?  To many times, this section is full of cookie-cutter accommodations, many of which are rolled over from year-to-year with little thought or individualization.  In this segment, Atty. Gilsbach identifies significant legal defensibility issues, highlights problems with some of the most commonly-identified accommodations, and teaches participants how to create SDI, modifications, and accommodations that REALLY work.  


  • IEP AUDIT AND STAFF TRAINING TIPS AND TOOLS - In this segment, Atty. Gilsbach teaches participants how to perform a legal-defensibility audit and how to identify key liability issues that may be present.  She also identifies staff-training strategies that will enable participants to share their newfound legal knowledge with their entire special education departments.  



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About the Presenter:

Our Executive Director and School Law presenter, Erin D. Gilsbach, Esq., is a nationally-recognized speaker on a wide variety of school law topics.  She has practiced school law for 20 years, where she has exclusively represented schools of all types, including public school districts, public charter schools, parochial schools, and private schools.  Prior to entering private practice, Atty. Gilsbach worked for 3 years at the PA Department of Education’s Office of Chief Counsel, and, prior to that, she taught public high school English.  Voted by her peers as a Rising Star Attorney in SuperLawyers and Philadelphia Magazines for 5 consecutive years, Atty. Gilsbach has served as President of the PA School Boards Association (PSBA) Solicitor’s Association and on the Board of Directors of the National School Boards Association’s (NSBA) Council of School Attorneys (COSA).  She has also authored three books and many school law articles for national publications.  She is a frequent presenter for the National Business Institute, PSBA, NSBA, the Pennsylvania Department of Education, the PA Bar Institute, and she has presented at hundreds of schools throughout the country.  She also is a regular presenter for a number of Intermediate Units throughout Pennsylvania.  Each year, Atty. Gilsbach presents on hundreds of school law topics to schools in Pennsylvania and throughout the U.S.  She is able to provide custom trainings for schools seeking to provide school law instruction to their staff members on a specific school law topic. 
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Event FAQs

Is pre-registration required, or are walk-ins welcome?  

Pre-registration online is required. We will not be accepting walk-ins on the date of the event.


How close to the event can I register?

Registration typically closes two business days prior to the event or when the workshop session is full.  If registration is closed, notice will appear when the registration link is clicked, and online registration will not be possible.  If the online registration is available, then registration is still open.  If registration has closed, please feel free to CONTACT US to determine if last-minute registration is possible or to find out about other locations/options.  


My school permits payment by check only, but that does not appear to be an option in the registration process.  What should I do?

We understand that payment by check may be the only option for some school employees.  CLICK HERE for a link to the pay-by-check instructions.  All payments must be received at least TWO BUSINESS DAYS PRIOR TO THE EVENT.  Receipt of the check by EdLaw Interactive does NOT constitute event registration.  Individuals for whom the registration process has not been fully completed (who have not received email confirmation of successful registration) will NOT be permitted to attend the session.  Once EdLaw Interactive receives the payment and completed pay-by-check form, the registration will be processed if there is space available in the workshop, and the participants will receive registration confirmation via email.  EdLaw Interactive is not able to hold registration spots pending payment.  If the workshop is full at the time payment is received, the payment will be returned, and email notification will be provided.


Does EdLaw Interactive ever offer school-specific discounts or group rates on its programs?

Yes.  A significantly-reduced rate is currently available through the regular registration process for groups of 10 or more attendees.  In order for the group rate to apply, all attendees must be registered in the same registration transaction.  For schools eligible for the group rate that wish to register participants at multiple locations, or for other group rate questions, please CONTACT US, and we can assist you.  


Can I apply a discount code to a prior registration?

Discount codes cannot be applied retroactively.  They must be used at the time of registration.


Can the Earlybird rate be combined with other discounts?

No.  The Earlybird discount rate cannot be combined with other offers or discounts.


I am not sure if my IU offers a discount code.  What should I do?

Contact your IU.  IU member-school discount codes are available only from the IUs.  


I heard that my IU offers a member school discount code.  Can I get that code by contacting EdLaw Interactive?

No.  EdLaw Interactive is unable to provide any information about IU discount codes.   To determine if an IU discount code is available, you must contact the IU directly.  


I already registered, but then I found out that my IU offers a discount code.  Can I apply that now?

No.  Discount codes cannot be applied retroactively. 


What do I do if I have questions about program or the registration process?

Feel free to CONTACT US if you have any questions or need additional information!


What's the refund policy?

All live event sales are final, and no refunds will be given. However, despite the fact that we are lawyers, we are not totally coldhearted. (We're the good ones, I promise!) We understand that, in schools, emergencies and unforseen events occur often. In the event that you are unable to attend an event for which you are registered, you have some options. You may transfer your ticket to another individual (just make sure they bring a copy of the ticket with them - see below) for no additional charge, or, if there is another session available at another location or on another date, you can contact us to determine if a transfer would be available (see paragraphs below for more details).  


Can I transfer my registration to another event?

We know that circumstances that may arise that prevent school personnel from being able to attend a training. If you discover you are not able to attend a training, please contact us at, and let us know the session for which you are currently registered and the session into which you would like to transfer.  Registrants can transfer to any other open (public) event as long as the transfer request was made in advance and there is space in the program into which the registrant wishes to transfer.  If the program into which you will be transferring is at a higher cost than the paid program, you will be responsible for the difference in cost, which must be paid at the time of registration.  (If the cost paid for the original is higher than the program into which the registrant is transferring, EdLaw Interactive is NOT responsible for reimbursing the difference in costs.)  The general registration rate will apply to all transfer sessions. Earlybird and other discounted rates are not available for transfers. Due to materials costs involved in live trainings, transfers are only available prior to the start of the training for which the individual is already registered. The option to transfer will not be available once the training for which the participant had originally registered is completed. All transfer options are subject to availability, and specific topics for transfer trainings cannot be guaranteed. (But don't worry - all of our programs are great!)  Transfers MUST be processed by EdLaw Interactive.  We are unable to process transfer credits for those who sign up for a replacement program on their own.


Can I transfer my registration for a live event to a webinar and vice-versa?

At this time, we cannot transfer attendance between online programs and in-person events.  Sorry!


Do I have to bring my printed ticket to the event?

Not unless you are taking the place of someone else (see question below). For individuals who registered under their own name, a photo ID or other form of identification is sufficient. Individuals who are attending under someone else's registration information will need to bring the original ticket, so that we can verify the transfer.


Is my registration fee or ticket transferable to another person?

Absolutely. Just make sure the person to whom you are transferring the ticket brings the actual ticket to the event to verify the transfer. No problem!


Is it ok if the name on my ticket or registration doesn't match the person who attends?

Yes. We understand that circumstances may arise that require you to send a proxy. Not a problem. If possible, however, we would appreciate advance notice, so that we can make the necessary adjustments.  (It is always nice to welcome folks with the right name on the namecard/nametag!)


I have questions and/or need information that is not available here.  What should I do?

CONTACT US!  We will be happy to communicate with you directly. 


Special Thanks to the Following Past Hosts and Supporters of the EdLaw Interactive IEP Writing Workshop:

Rockwood Area School District.png
Ridgewood PS (NJ).png
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